
The most cherished moment of the Transylvania Mountain Festival is certainly the announcement of the winners of the TMF awards and trophies. The TMF 2022 Gala took place on 25 November in Cluj-Napoca, at Cinema Victoria.

The 5th expEdition took place in a hybrid version, but closer to the classic festival format, with outdoor tours and trainings, film screenings at the cinema and online. TMF competitions ran throughout the year and enjoyed international participation from 15 countries.

The agenda of the Limitless edition included book launches, photography exhibitions, mixed media, outdoor and educational activities, mountain film screenings at the cinema and online, community meetings.

TMF 2022 tropheys made by Florin Tamba, sculptor. (Photo: Dan Tăuțan)

Together with our friend and teammate, Cătălin Grigoriu and with the partners of the edition, we had again the pleasure to present the lucky winners for the film, photography, innovation and mountain activity sections.

Cătălin Grigoriu – TMF 2022  Gala moderator. (Photo: Dan Tăuțan)


The TMF 2022 Trophy for Mountain Photography was won by Zoltàn Várga, awarded for his stunning landscape photographs taken in 2022 in the Swiss Alps. Congratulations!

The announcement was made by Ms Raluca Șanta, representing Maramontsport – sponsor of the edition.

Special thanks to the sport partner GARMIN Romania, who granted an Instinct Solar watch to the winner of the competition to be used during mountain activities.

Thanks to Maramontsport also for providing a set of mountain equipment for hiking and mountain exploration!

Zoltán Várga on stage at Cinema Victoria during the TMF 2022 Awards Ceremony


The TMF 2022 Trophy for Innovation in Mountain Environments is awarded to the BLADE HOPPER project! It is also the first time that the TMF Trophy for Innovation is awarded in the category of innovative materials! Congratulations !

Blade Hopper is an innovation that aims to make sport accessible to amputees by offering them a versatile, easy-to-use product.  Blade hoppers are essential for running, unfortunately their cost makes this product a bit inaccessible. To provide a solution Hopper has developed the first product available in France from September 2022: a sports blade that is more comfortable, versatile and affordable than traditional running blades.  They are adapted for transtibial and transfemoral amputations. They are made from recycled carbon fibre from the AIRBUS aircraft industry. Hopper aims to democratize sports worldwide.

Special thanks to the Translvania IT Cluster who has promoted the innovation competition to the regional IT community every year.

BLADE HOPPER – winning project pf the TMF 2022 mountain innovation award. (Photo: Dan Tăuțan)


The TMF Trophy for Mountain Film is awarded to the film and project FREE RIDER – directed by Jérôme Tanon for :

  • documenting the expe led by Sam Anthamatten and Victor De Le Rue in the wildest corner of Alaska, setting off in search of the craziest ski and snowboard backcountry! Wow!
  • for trying to capture the essence of what it means to be a true FREE RIDER
  • and for Jérôme Tanon’s narrative thread, the poetics of the film and the commitment with which he manages to keep the viewer in suspense

All of this has made the film capture the essence of the LIMITLESS theme of the year, as underlined by the festival’s creative director, Mr Gabriel Roșca.

Announcing the winning mountain film: FREE RIDER, by Jérôme Tanon   (2022).


As every year, the Transylvania Mountain Festival trophy is awarded for outstanding activity and excellent results in the field of mountain and outdoor sports, and public education for an active life.

Under the theme of the edition, LIMITLESS, the first long-distance trail in Romania for hikers, cyclists and horse riders was honored with the Transylvania Mountain Festival 2022 trophy for activity and impact in the community: VIA TRANSILVANICA – The road that joins Putna to Drobeta-Turnu Severin and reveals 2,000 years of Transylvanian history.

1400 km, 1400 milestones, 10 counties, 600 communities, a huge number of volunteers – A project of the Social Tășuleasa organization! Joining us were Tibi Ușeriu and Iulan Gabor who presented some behind the scenes details of the realization of this country project.

Tibi Ușeriu and Iulian Gabor – from VIA TRANSILVANICA – winning project of TMF 2022. (Photo: Dan Tăuțan)

Și pentru că fiecare proiect devine frumos prin prism utilizatorilor săi, am avut bucuria de a-l primi și pe Dl. Dinu Mititeanu pe scena TMF 2022 pentru a ne împărtăși experiența sa pe VIA TRANSILVANICA – o drumeție de lungă distanță, pe care dânsul și soția sau Marlene Mititeanu au realizat-o în cursul acestui an.

Dl. Dinu Mititeanu despre experiența sa pe VIA TRANSILVANICA  pe scena Cinema Victoria. (Foto: Dan Tăuțan)

And because every project becomes beautiful through the prism of its users, we had the pleasure to welcome Mr. Dinu Mititeanu on the TMF 2022 stage to share with us his experience on VIA TRANSILVANICA – a long distance hike that he and his wife Marlene Mititeanu have done this year.

TMF team and the winners of the edition on stage, at Cinema Victoria. (Photo: Dan Tăuțan)

Friends and partners of TMF 2022:

Outdoor technology partner: GARMIN Romania
Sport partner: Maramontsport
Expo and screenings partner:  Institut Français de Cluj, Cinema Victoria, Atelier Cafe
Print partner: PMA Invest
Mountain safety partner: SMURD Cluj, Salvamont-Salvaspeo, Consiliul Județean, EEMGA – Eastern European Mountains Guide Association, PGHM France
Specialized partners: Maramont Sport , Avalanșe în Carpați, Vertical Sport, Clubul Alpin Român – Filiala Cluj, Spando Ski Team
Academic partner : Facultatea de Geografie – UBB
Festival image and artwork: Black Wolf
Media partners:  Cluj.com, Info Traffic, Ski & Outdoor Magazine, Cluj Life, Transilvania IT, Augsburg pe românește, Visit Cluj, Rock FM
Parteners: Elf’st – marketing & investment, The Genuines
Organizers: Asociația TMF, CSAU – Clubul Sportiv Alpin Universitar

Transylvania Mountain Festival 2022 awards have been announced according to the annual calendar, congratulations for the organization!


The TMF Association promotes knowledge and exploration of the mountain environment through sport, education, art and science – and the Transylvania Mountain Festival is the place where athletes, explorers, innovators and creatives in love with nature and the mountains meet! We hope that this programme will inspire the local and international community, generate new initiatives and projects that bring back the mountain spirit and love of Nature among us.