Transylvania Mountain Festival
Transylvania Mountain Festival
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On November 21, we open along with our longterm partner – The French Institute from Cluj – the 5th edition of TMF – Transylvania Mountain Festival, entitled  Limitless ( Sans Limites)  with a very cherished moment: the launch of the book  ”Mountain Lust” authored by Dinu Mititeanu.

Freshly returned from Via Transilvanica, Dinu Mititeanu, 82 years old, still amazes us with that flame in his eyes when he tells us about his great passion: the mountain. Being an example of commitment to mountaineering and educating the younger generation towards an active life, Dinu Mititeanu constantly writes on his personal blog which has become, over time, a real source of information about mountain routes and landmarks.

«Mountain Lust» will be his 3rd book in Colecția Verde of România Pitorească publishing house, with nr. 34, after «The Call of The Mountain»  nr.17 and «Mountain wanderers» nr. 25. My wish was that all my three books contain the word – mountain– my great passion” – explains Dinu Mititeanu.

The table of contents of the book and the introductory chapter can be found here:

But it will certainly be the personal experience of the printed book that will carry your heart and mind to the mountains visited by Dinu. So we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the event.

The launch will take place at the French Institute in Cluj-Napoca, at 19:00 and will be opened by the well-known man of culture, Cluj journalist Ovidiu Blag.

After a short presentation of the author – mountaineer and alpinist Dinu Mititeanu, and his new book, we will continue with a short Q&A session. We will enjoy the first-hand account, as they say, of the motivation behind this book and the stories and anecdotes Dinu shares with us each time.

At the end, Dinu Mititeanu will autograph the author’s copy purchased by those who wish to enrich their library with this rare volume.


An important moment in the history of Transylvania Mountain Festival was 2018, when Mr. Dinu Mititeanu – senior dean of the Romanian Alpine Club – Cluj Branch honored us with his presence and accepted the Distinction for Lifetime Activity in the field of mountaineering and promotion of mountain activities and the TMF 2018 trophy.

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