Support the educational program by attending our events

Transylvania Mountain Festival lunches in 2020 the priority educational cause –  the Kids Mountain Science  – a program designed for kids and teens from unflavored and isolated rural areas , and urban environments, aiming to det the basis of an educational ecosytem to direct younger generations towards the practice of mountain and outdoor sports and activities.

The program is a satelite of  TMF – Transylvania Mountain Festival – where we will promote and present the results of Kids Mountain Science program.

Activities during “Kids Mountain Science”


  • kids rock climbing
  • kids trail running
  • kids kayaking
  • kids hiking

Educational activities:

  • how mountains were formed
  • mountains biodiversity
  • research and exploration of the natural environment
  • culture and folklore in Romanian mountain areas
  • on the importance of mountain rivers, lakes, caves and glaciers
  • orienteering and camping

Date and time:

Kids Mountain Science will be organised during July – August 2020, în several lots.


max. 15 kids/ lot + accompaniateurs


Registrations start in May 2020.

Support Kids Mountain Science

as a free program for kids from unflavored areas and environments by

– booking tickets at TMF Rocks Show on 

– direct donations to the Asociația TMF

  • CUI 41287577, Aleea Rășinari NR. 4, BL. A1, Et. 4, Ap. 17,
  • Cluj-Napoca, Jud. Cluj, Romania
  • IBAN: RO46 BTRL RON CRT 0498770501
  • Banca Transilvania