November 23


Movies and videos are an important component of documenting our mountain experience. We are pleased to announce the organization of the outdoor video workshop with action room.

The workshop is offered by the official video partner Insta360. The workshop is open and everyone who wants to find out about outdoor filming with the 360 One x camera is welcome.

The workshop will be held on Saturday, November 23rd
Address: Military Circle
Coordinator: Mihai Olaru
Duration: 12:10 – 14:00
Places available: max. 30

Access: FREE to all visitors and guests of the TMF19 festival and exhibition

What will we hear about?

Short agenda:

  • Presentation of the Insta 360 One x product,
  • session of testing and processing of images and films made.

How do I sign up?

Since places are limited, for organizational reasons, we recommend you to register here:

For details and information write to us: