The highlight of Transylvania Mountain Festival is always the moment of announcing the winners of the TMF awards!
The 3rd expEdition has probably been the most difficult by now, but TMF team has turned it with great agility and creativity into a hybrid program in an ALL MOUNTAIN format. The four annual competitions occurred as scheduled, in spite of the economic context of 2020, and the festival schedule was extended to a 5 week plan, from October 20 until November 22.
Therefore the photo exhibitions have been set up in the open air, while the practical activities of mountain bike, hiking, climbing, paragliding, route marking, mountain safety and avalanche rescue have been held directly in the field in the Western, Central and Eastern Carpathians, and the mountain film show was moved exclusively to the online.
Having international participation from 14 countries, 5 continents and a new Romanian premiere, the official TMF 2020 selection became one of the coolest mountain films selections in Europe in 2020.

The TMF 2020 tropheys made by Florin Tamba, sculptor. (Photo: Gabriel Roșca)
Along with our energetic master of ceremony – Bogdan Bob Rădulescu and the partners of this edition, we are honored to present to you all the happy winners of the mountain film, photography, innovation and mountain activity competitions.

Bogdan Bob Rădulescu – the master of ceremony of our hybrid TMF 2020 gala . (Photo: Gabriel Roșca)
Transylvania Mountain Festival Awards 2020
TMF 2020 Mountain Film Award
The TMF 2020 Mountain Film Award goes to the Face au Vide film produced and directed by Marc Brulard (France, 2020), a documentary aiming to change the image of alpinism in the eyes of the general public. The trophey was received for the team by Ioana Costaș – Executive Director of the French Institute in Cluj-Napoca.

The poster of the Face au Vide film, directed by Marc Brulard (2020).

Ioana Costaș receiving the TMF 2020 film trophey in the name of the Face au Vide team. (Photo: Gabriel Roșca)
TMF 2020 Special Distinction For Romanian Film
TMF also aims to be a ramp for original productions in the field of adventure movies in Romania. With great appreciation for the effort and incredible energy with which the passion for trail running is presented in this movie, the special distinction for Romanian production goes to “La Cota 10.000″ (10000 Meters Up) directed by Dan Petru and Radu Restivan.

Diana Ciorba and Bogdan Bob Rădulescu announcing the special distinction, online with Radu Restivan. (Photo: Gabriel Roșca)
TMF 2020 Mountain Photography Award
The TMF 2020 Mountain Photography Award goes to Vlad Ionescu, for its multiple works in competition that have impressed the jury with stunning sceneries in the Carpathians of Romania.
The trophy was symbolically handed over to Ioana Costaș – Executive Director of the French Institute in Cluj-Napoca, the host of the official TMF 2020 mountain photography selection.
Special thanks to our sport partner GARMIN Romania, for offering an Instinct Solar to be used during mountain activities.

Ioana Costaș receiving for Vlad Ionescu the TMF 2020 mountain photography trophy. (Photo: Gabriel Roșca)
TMF 2020 Mountain Innovation Award
The Mountain Innovation Award goes to Traffic Plan from Cluj-Napoca for the environment protection and land use optimization solution category with the following project: “Băișoara ski resort skiers circulation and car parking simulation” – made by dr. ing. Călin ȘERBU – CTO, Traffic Plan. The innovative aspect of the project is the simulation of skiers movement from the parking lot to the skichair with AIMSUN and MIOVISION.
Special thanks to Translvania IT Cluster who promoted each year the innovation competition among the IT community in the region.

Bogdan Bob Rădulescu announcing the winner of the TMF 2020 Mountain innovation Award. (Photo: Gabriel Roșca)
TMF 2020 Mountain Activity Award
In 2020 the jury analyzed the overall activity in the areas of mountaineering, rock climbing, mountain guiding, initiatives for professional development and involvement in the practice of these activities in Eastern Europe. For all the above mentioned, the TMF 2020 Mountain Activity Award is offered to Cosmin Andron – mountaineer with over 30 expeditions, first ascents in various mountain chains across the world, IFMGA mountain guide and founder of EEMGA – Eastern European Mountain Guides Association.
Special thanks to Garmin Romania – our sports partner for supporting this award!

Cosmin Andron – special guest and winner of the TMF 2020 Mountain Activity Award. (Photo: Gabriel Roșca)
The awards have been announced in a hybrid manner, in the presence of our dear master of ceremony – Bogdan Bob Rădulescu, the official delegate for the awards reception and the technical TMF 2020 team who was managing the connection with the winners and the stage set-up for special guests.
- Organizers: Asociația TMF and Clubul Sportiv Alpin Universitar
- Sports partner: GARMIN Romania
- Institutional partners: Clubul Alpin Român – Filiala Cluj, Institut Français de Cluj, SMURD Cluj, Eastern European Mountain Guide Association
- Production partners: PMA Invest
- Nutrition partners: Lyo Food
- Technical partners: Avalanșe în Carpați, Vertical Sport, Ride Now Transilvania, Skai – sala de escaladă, Alpine Tours, Asociatia Ecouri Verzi și Potecatorii, Spando Ski Team Romania, Bogdan Selever – paraglider pilot.
- Festival image and design: Black Wolf
- Media partners: Cluj.com, Info Traffic, Ski & Outdoor Magazine, Transilvania IT, Cluj Life
- Partners: Elf’st – marketing & investment, The Genuines, Atelier Cafe
Transylvania Mountain Festival Awards 2020 annoucements were made as scheduled for 2020, in a hybrid format. Bravo for the organization!